Did British Hezbollah Shoot Malala Yousafzai?

My readers know that with a sudden spate of uncanny and suspicious activities in my environment has occurred an intense onset of chronic double heartbeats, timed to the appearance of an imposter calling himself node, like sinus node, in the village online where I campaign for freedom of speech.  Yoko Ono is on a new rampage precisely because of her plans to close the jaws of victory on the point of discovery.  Saying her minions did this out of spite is just the cover story played for having it planned.  Depicting their identity crime as theft and pervert spite hid the long gestation of the planned and phony discovery.
Nobody has greater contempt for the laws of Pennsylvania than Pennsylvania lawmakers.  They pass them to scorn them and sidestep them.  They don’t think of it as corruption, they are selling National Security.  The News is no longer in Jeopardy.  The heart monitor has fallen dead.  The assassins have targetted the First Amendment and scored.  King Crimson is at work detecting the educational level necessary to understand the evidence that has developed from the direction of Thos. Lane and the author of Three Truths and One Lie allowing admission of Japanese semiotic evidence that John Lennon was an aide-de-camp in another staged and phony mission from Camp Fantasy.  They know I am onto them.  Like those who shot Malala Yousufzai, they forbid knowledge.
Peter J. Sinfield and Donald J. Trump operate around an idea of closure that is a mockery of everything our ancestors ever held dear.  It is the juvenile rebuttal of those at Harvard who scribble on the toilet walls in answer to Nietzsche’s postulate;  God is Dead.  Nietsche is Dead, which they sign God.  -30- in Journalist parlance, is mocked as a -30- for Allah, the poet tried trying.
Hitler’s manufacture of a crisis in the Sudentanland as the first tremors of WW2 began taught us not to mystify as righteous offbeat claims made by foreign intelligence pitched to our heartstrings.  MAD.Elaine Albright gave us a shrewd definition of patriotism and treason when she brayed that her delusion mongering policy in Iraq was worth 500,000 children dead by forced starvation.  Praise Stalin!  We are free at lost.
The secret music of privilege in the dens of British Hezbollah have disguised themselves for trust, manipulating secret sympathy and co-opted the valor of Lodz promoting Gail Burstyn who wrote:  “Love (in jest)” and “thanks for opening my mind (not enough).”  Yes they started AIDS, but it was worth it for a Black Mr. President.
Being defeated by what it is lethal to say by illegal enforcement of hostage duress is the perfect victory of Hitler’s forces in the United States of America.  There was always something a little too malicious and zany about British rock stars, and their foreign intelligence system, forcing our hearts in post-trauma to blend into the soundtrack of their lurid sway towards narco-fascist surrender.  As they say in Arabia, Muslim means one who submits.